60-летие образования КНР (with translation)

Пышными торжествами отметили в Китае 60-летие образования КНР PRC celebrated 60 years with extravaganza - Russian Channel #1, October 1st, 2009 Today, the world’s largest Tiananmen Square were great celebration on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. In its scope, they eclipsed last year’s Olympic ceremony. The military brought to the parade the latest tanks and ballistic missiles. Hundreds of thousands of civilians passed before the government podium with posters, famous for China’s achievements. And all ended with fireworks, which, according to organizers, will enter the Guinness Book of Records. Reporter Pavel Spirin from Channel #1 First booming chorus of “wan-sui,“ which means “cheers“, and then President Hu Jintao toured the troops on the Chinese-made limousines. Translated into Russian they are called “Red Flag“. And the largest parade in the world, Tiananmen Square is set in motion. Foreign
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