Your kitchen - is it a friend or an enemy? Valentin Shishkin

Dear women! Where do you spend the most time at home? That’s right, in the kitchen. And did you think - your kitchen, is it a friend or an enemy? In this video, I talk about how the situation in the kitchen takes away your energy, makes the female silhouette older and absolutely uninteresting for your man. As a rule, a man starts looking for another woman because you stopped being that elegant beautiful woman he once met. We offer you to analyze your kitchen, get answers to questions: - is your kitchen a friend or an enemy? - do you save energy on it or lose it? - how does the kitchen make your silhouette younger or older? All you need to do is take a video and send it to us. One of the students of Valentin Shishkin, the ambassador of the School of Kinetic Image, will analyze your video and send recommendations for improving your kitchen. Procedure of actions: 1) Watch the video “Kitchen: friend or enemy“ 2) Put your phone on a
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