Amnesty International: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is ’a crime under international law’

Cécile Coudriou, President of Amnesty International France, joins FRANCE 24 and acknowledges that her organization has taken a “very strong position.“ Nevertheless, she asserts that they are “absolutely justified to call [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine] an aggression, according to international law.“ Ms. Coudriou denounces Russia’s actions, arguing that they did not have “a legitimate defense.“ She further states that Russia never sought authorization “from the Security Council of the United Nations. So, in that case, it can be characterized as an aggression.“ And now that the ICC is launching a war crimes investigation over Russia’s assault on Ukraine, Ms. Coudriou is hoping that Vladimir Putin will face justice for his actions, not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria. “Our organization is trying to document, day after day, these war crimes because it will help in the investigation conducted by the International Criminal Court.“ #Russia #Ukra
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