7/22/2023 -- BIG DISCOVERY IN THE UK! Scotland - Giant dragon head shaped starfort FORGOTTEN

I discovered a giant dragon head shaped fort in North Scotland, Fort George. Super weird, apparently no one knew it was shaped like a dragons head until I found it?! According to locals , they’re shocked to find this out! If you search for information on the Dragon Head shaped fort, nothing comes up. George“ UK dragon@UCSwQ3H0CKF-_MJpuWhIEzOQ Locals who live in the area, and who have visited the fort multiple times are saying they’ve never heard about this or seen this before! ___ Update 945am central US time July 22, 2023, locals have informed me this Dragon head starfort is in the bay at the mouth of Loch Ness?! hahah you just can’t make this stuff up! Update 911pm central US time July 22, 2023, The church “GARRISON CHURCH“ or “FORT GEORGE CHAPEL“ in the middle of the dragon snout, has a stained glass window literally showing St. George slaying the dragon! ____ Appparently I “re-discovered“ that this was made in the shape of a dragons head, Fort George Scotland , built after the battle of Culloden , the famous Highlander battle(s).. This should be a huge bit of news for the locals, and historians, as well as a tourist attraction even more so now! FORT DRAGON! The Dragon Fort. And, topping it all off merchandise on this would be cool !!! Tshirts, coffee mugs and scale models! As well as flyovers with helicopters, airplanes, and drones! Twitter post with comments from locals here expressing intrigue at the finding: Youtube community post with additional comments from locals who say that this has never been mentioned to them before:
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