NEW STADIUM DRONE UPDATE | Latest aerial footage as fresh steelwork fitted at Bramley-Moore Dock

New steelwork has emerged at the south end of Everton’s new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock. The shape of the stadium bowl on the waterfront development is growing ever clearer, as can be seen from this week’s revealing drone shots of the site. The fresh latticework of steelwork rising adjacent to the south west core, along with a similar build expected to start soon in the south east corner, will next month connect to a third, larger steel structure that is currently spreading outwards from the centre of the one-tier south stand. This ‘home end’ will eventually house approximately 13,000 Evertonians. Raking beams that angle down towards the ‘pitch’ are the steel on which precast concrete terracing units will be lowered in the coming months. The highest current point of the central block of steelwork is the external frame of the glazed South Stand Bar, which will look back towards the city centre. New tiers of steelwork are also now visible in the north west corner of the stad
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