One Hour of DPRK (North Korean) Socialist Youth League Songs

사회주의애국청년동맹 0:00 - 김일성사회주의청년동맹가 (Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League Song) 2:08 - 청년사회주의건설자행진곡 (March of Young Socialist Builders) 5:46 - 조선청년행진곡 (Korean Youth March) 8:39 - 우리는 당의 청춘 (We are the Youth of the Party) 11:09 - 우리는 로동당의 청년전위 (We are the Youth Vanguard of the Workers’ Party) 13:50 - 로동당을 잘 만나 청춘이 빛나네 (Youth Shines Thanks to the Workers’ Party) 17:02 - 주체의 위업에 청춘을 바치리 (We’ll Devote Our Youth to the Cause of Juche) 19:28 - 청춘과 용감성 (Youth and Courage) 22:13 - 청춘송가 (Ode to Youth) 25:50 - 청춘의 심장 (Heart of Youth) 28:46 - 우리는 로동청년 (We are Working Youth) 31:20 - 청춘을 바치자 대건설전투에 (Let’s Dedicate Our Youth to the Great Construction Battle) 34:09 - 로동당시대의 청년영웅 되리라 (I Will Become a Youth Hero of the Workers’ Party Era) 36:55 - 청춘을 바치자 수령님을 위하여 당을 위하여 (Let’s Dedicate our Youth, to the Leader, to the Party) 39:53 - 내 조국의 번영위해 청춘을 빛내리 (Let My Youth Shine for the Prosperity of My Country) 42:50 - 나의 청춘 조국에 바쳐가리 (I Will Dedicate My Youth to My Country) 45:39 - 당이 준 청춘 (The Youth Given by the Party) 48:15 - 새날의 청춘 (Youth of a New Day) 52:19 - 당을 따라 빛나는 청춘 (Following the Party, the Youth Will Shine) 54:53 - 청춘들아 받들자 우리 당을 (Youth, Let’s Support Our Party) 57:18 - 젊음은 급행렬차 (The Youth is an Express Train) 59:42 - 당을 따라 청춘들아 앞으로 (Following the Party, Youth, Forward)
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