One Hour of Chairman Mao Quotation Songs

毛主席万岁!万万岁! 0:00 - 领导我们事业的核心力量 (The Force at the Core Leading Our Cause Forward) 0:51 - 我们应当相信群众 (We Must Have Faith in the Masses) 2:16 - 政策和策略是党的生命 (Policy and Tactics are the Life of the Party) 3:09 - 你不打他就不倒 (If You Don’t Hit It, It Won’t Fall) 4:18 - 敌人是不会自行消灭的 (The Enemy Will Not Perish of Himself) 5:07 - 革命不是请客吃饭 (A Revolution is not a Dinner Party) 6:07 - 分清敌友 (Distinguish Friends from Enemies) 6:43 - 什么人是革命派,什么人是反革命派 (Who is Revolutionary, or Counter-Revolutionary) 7:35 - 凡是敌人反对的,我们就要拥护,凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对 (We Should Support Whatever the Enemy Opposes, and Vice Versa) 8:08 - 决不能让它们自由泛滥 (In No Circumstances Should They be Allowed to Spread Unchecked) 8:43 - 三项伟大革命运动 (Three Great Revolutionary Movements) 10:11 - 穷则思变,要干,要革命 (Poverty Gives Rise to the Desire for Change, for Action, and for Revolution) 11:50 - 枪杆子里面出政权 (Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun) 13:47 - 世界上一切革命斗争都是为了夺取政权,巩固政权 (All Revolutionary Struggles Aim to Seize and Consolidate Political Power) 15:25 - 迅速达到世界上的先进水平 (Reach the Advanced Level in the World) 18:25 - 全世界人民团结起来 (People of the World, Unite) 19:11 - 真正的铜墙铁壁是什么 (What is a True Bastion of Iron?) 20:16 - 没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切 (Without A People’s Army, the People have Nothing) 20:58 - 我们这个军队之所以有力量 (Our Army is Powerful Because) 22:27 - 军民团结如一人 (The Army and the People are United) 23:31 - 我们是伟大的人民解放军 (We Are the Great People’s Liberation Army) 24:26 - 人民是创造世界历史的动力 (The People are the Motive Force in the Making of World History) 25:03 - 群众是真正的英雄 (The Masses are the Real Heroes) 25:51 - 人民群众有无限的创造力 (The Masses have Boundless Creative Power) 26:58 - 人是第一个可宝贵的 (People are the Most Precious Thing) 27:58 - 我们都是来自五湖四海 (We Hail from All Corners of the Country) 29:03 - 我们的教育方针 (Our Educational Policy) 30:03 - 纪念白求恩 (In Memory of Norman Bethune) 31:06 - 我们大家要学习他 (We Must All Learn From Him) 32:12 - 毫不利己专门利人 (Be Utterly Devoted to Others Without Any Thought of Self) 33:16 - 完全彻底为人民 (Be Wholly and Entirely Dedicated to the People) 34:21 - 为人民而死就是死得其所 (When We Die for the People it is a Worthy Death) 35:19 - 这个军队具有一往无前的精神 (This Army has an Indomitable Spirit) 37:03 - 争取胜利 (To Win Victory) 37:53 - 自力更生 (Self-Reliance) 39:15 - 工作就是斗争 (Work is Struggle) 40:29 - 农村是个广阔天地 (The Countryside is a Vast World) 41:47 - 必须把粮食、棉花、布匹抓紧 (We Need Grain, Cotton, and Cloth) 42:41 - 要提高我们的勇气 (We Must Pluck Up Our Courage) 43:39 - 舍得一身剐敢把皇帝拉下马 (He Who Doesn’t Fear Death by a Thousand Cuts Dares to Unhorse the Emperor) 44:23 - 因为我们是为人民服务的 (Because We Serve the People) 45:20 - 我们共产党人好比种子 (We Communists are Like Seeds) 47:13 - 做到五个统一 (Achieve the Five Unifications) 49:13 - 造成一种风气 (Create a Trend) 50:33 - 必须注意政策 (We Must Give Attention to Policy) 52:06 - 干部问题,要从教育着手 (The Question of Cadres Should Start with Education) 52:43 - 把他们看作国家和社会的宝贵财富 (Regard Them as Valuables of the Country and Society) 53:55 - 希望寄托在你们身上 (Our Hope is Placed on You) 54:43 - 要在大风大浪里去锻炼自己 (Temper Yourself in Strong Winds and Waves) 56:06 - 青年应该把坚定正确的政治方向放在第一位 (Youth Should Put Firm and Correct Political Orientation First) 57:29 - 文学艺术属于一定的阶级 (All Culture, All Literature and All Art Belong To Definite Classes) 58:33 - 革命文艺家的基本任务 (The Fundamental Task Of Revolutionary Writers And Artists) 59:26 - 造反有理 (It’s Right To Rebel)
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