Nuclear 5.0: NEW Thorium Reactor Burns NUCLEAR WASTE for 1000 Years!
A technology that could potentially provide electricity for 1500 years, using a metal that is more abundant than uranium and less radioactive than coal. Yes, you heard that right. We are talking about thorium, and how a company called Copenhagen Atomics is building a new type of reactor that can burn nuclear waste and produce clean and cheap energy. Well, stick around and find out how this could change everything in 2024. As you probably know, the world is facing a huge challenge when it comes to energy. We need more and more electricity to power our homes, industries, and transportation, but we also need to reduce our carbon emissions and environmental impact. Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, are still the dominant sources of energy, but they are finite, polluting, and contribute to global warming. Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro, are cleaner and greener, but they are intermittent, unreliable, and depend on weather conditions. Nuclear energy, on the other hand, is reliable, constant