Remote Viewing the Atlantic Space Ark with Dick Allgire

Dick Allgire is a former professional news presenter who, in 1997, got interested in remote viewing projects using blind scientific protocols that would eliminate front loading. He subsequently trained with military-grade instructors such as Glen Wheaton (US Army Special Forces) and has ever since been conducting remote viewing projects involving various targets. He eventually created as a means for remote viewers to be trained and to collaborate in intelligence gathering on various targets. On April 14, 2023, released a two-hour report on the remote viewing of a target supplied by Dr. Michael Salla – a submerged space ark under the Atlantic Ocean. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Allgire discusses with Dr. Salla the genesis of the remote viewing of the Atlantic Space Ark from a meeting they held in January 2023 in Honolulu, Hawaii, where they decided to collaborate on a future remote viewing project. No specifics were shared on potential targets to prevent front
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