YGETCHA! 720 x 1280 sm38041283

Now I’ll go higher and I’ll go higher This will be the last video in 2020! Thanks to everyone’s support and support, we enjoyed dancing together ... It was a great year! I’m really thankful to you!! I saw this song that I’ve always liked and the cool and sexy choreography, and I couldn’t help but shoot it ... Look with warm eyes (* ´-` *) ◉素敵な使用楽曲: sm37467451 ◉素敵な振付本家:足太ぺんた様 sm38028810 ◉踊、編 ・Y字バランスのせいな / mylist/65247967 ◉撮影 しょまさん 無断転載は御遠慮ください。 ◉前 好き!雪!本気マジック!(アレンジver.) sm38003761 Y字バランスのせいな 12/30/2020 20:00 Views 4,344
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