~【あこ誕】 Blue Star 踊ってみた【桜華】 1080 x 1920 sm37585285

I love Ako-chan! !! !! Nice to meet you fifteenth time! My name is Sakuraka This is the second Ako birthday video (/ ・ ω ・) / Both songs were so good that Ko-chan seemed to be disappointed during the practice, but it’s important to have fun dancing! I thought, I took a picture with an emphasis on fun! Actually the first night shooting ☆ 彡 Still, I still want to be good, so my goal is to be good enough to collaborate with Ako-chan by the next Ako-chan’s birthday! Too high goal (; ∀;) I will do my best! あこ誕2020動画第一弾 take it eazy sm37585186 コメントくれるとうれしいです! 楽曲本家様 sm28834364 八王子P様 振付本家様 sm28836048 めろちん様 参考振付様 sm33751111 あこ様 撮影編集 さんさん様 (@_33san) ありがとうございました! 桜華(素敵な一年になりますように) Twitter:@o_ka_nico マイリスト:mylist/65588271 前作→take it eazy sm37585186 次作→ 09/27/2020 18:00 Views 689
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