SUPER EASY & TASTY| Pan-Fried Potatoes Recipe| It is the best way to fry Potato | Nothing is faster!

Today we want to share with you this easy and delicious recipe. Nothing is easier and faster! The potatoes are so delicious that it is impossible to stop eating. Best served with fresh vegetables, herbs, and sour cream. We need: Potatoes - 2 kg Onion - 1 pc, Salt - 1/2 Tbsp, Sugar - 1/2 Tbsp, Black Pepper - 1/3 Tsp, Vegetable oil and butter for frying, Cucumber and Sour cream to garnish. Peel potatoes - 2 kg and cut into chunks. Peel and chop 1 onion. Fry the potatoes in a frying pan in vegetable oil and butter, at a high temperature (# 9 of 9), without closing the lid. Stir constantly so that the potatoes roast but not burn. Add Salt - 1/2 Tbsp, Sugar - 1/2 Tbsp, Black Pepper - 1/3 Tsp. Combine onions with potatoes. Fry the potatoes and onions until tender. Serve with cucumber and sour cream. Enjoy your meal! Bon appetit!
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