Tu Aashiqui | | Ep. 50 | JD Is Petrified! | !

To download the Voot app please click on the link : To subscribe this channel go to: After finding out the truth about JD, Ahaan asks him to stay away from Pankti. He threatens JD and decides to inform his family of the incident. JD starts panicking and decides to stop Ahaan from informing his family. What will be his next move? Once a debauched rockstar, Ahaan has finally found his purpose in life, all thanks to Pankti. But what happens when he finds out that the love of his life has always been used by a rich man, who happens to be Ahaan’s uncle? Has Ahaan’s love story ended even before it began? Or will he fight for his love, Pankti? Watch more videos: Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: #ColorsRishtey #TuAashiqui
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