How to make my MONEY GREEN make ahead salad!

My mama always told me.. there is more than one way to skin a cat hunny! I like to call this my money green salad.. This salad is made with the things we love to eat and are familiar with.. We can always find different ways to work the ingredients we love! It can also can hang out in the fridge without getting soggy! Perfect for leftovers. Don’t get me wrong greens are good in a pot of meat, but they are also good in their natural raw state.. and good for you! This salad is made with raw Chopped collard greens, chopped cabbage, baby kale, green onions and tossed in a homemade ranch.. because hunny, ranch is always delicious with raw veggies! I added some chicken on top for protein.. but you can use whatever you want! Easy to make! Simply wash and dry all your veggies, remove the stems from the collard greens, and don’t forget to remove the core from the cabbage.. chop everything including your green onions & kale, and add it to a bowl.. * *side note* this would actually be good with a boiled egg on top* Add everything to the bowl and toss in your favorite dressing! Top with your favorite protein and enjoy it! You can also make this ahead ans it will last in the fridge for a few days without getting soggy!
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