🔥 GET MORE FOLLOW ALONG HOCKEY WORKOUTS: 🎁 FREE AT HOME HOCKEY PACKAGE: THE WARM-UP: 1. Single leg hip thrust x 15 per side 2. Fire hydrant x 10 per side 3. Mountain climbers x 10 per side 4. T-Rolls x 5 per side 5. Shoulder Y x 15 6. Jumping jacks x 25 Perform in a circuit fashion one time through. THE WORKOUT: A1: Deep squat x 15 A2: Stop and go push up x 15 A3: T-stand x 6/leg A4: Scap push up x 15 A5: Dive bombers x 15 A6: Reverse crunch with hip lift x 10 Rest 90 secs in between each circuit and repeat 3 times. THE FINISHER: B1: Single leg burpees with the left foot x 20 sec...s B2: Skater bounds x 20 secs B3: Single leg burpees with the right foot x 20 secs Perform this 60 sec “finisher” once through with zero rest at all Get More Hockey Training Content: WEBSITE: https://www
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