Cornerstone Laying Ceremony, Waitsfield Vermont

7/10/16: I’ve disabled comments for this video. I never thought recording the ceremony for a friend and putting it up on YouTube would attract so many religious nuts. ***** Masons of the Mad River Lodge No. 77 in Waitsfield Vermont symbolically laid the cornerstone for a new porch on their Lodge on September 8, 2012. The Grand Officers formed a procession and proceeded from the Waitsfield United Church of Christ to the southeast corner of the lodge building where a stone had been prepared and slung from a tripod over the place where it was to be set in due time. After some introductory remarks by Bros. Fred Messer, Master of Mad River Lodge; Grand Master Morton and Deputy Grand Master Crouse, the stone was lowered into place by two “craftsmen“ namely Rick Rayfield and Chris Keast, members of Mad River Lodge. The square, level and plumb were applied to try the stone, and the stone was found to properly placed. The elements of corn, wine, and oil were then ceremoniously applied t
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