Nothing team - Somewhere in forgotten America

β€œHello from the Nothing team.β€œ So, a month since the start of the project has come to an end. It has been a challenging, productive, and interesting period during which I managed to lead the team and guide it towards a common goal. Previously, I had doubts about my leadership qualities and looked for ways to avoid responsibility. However, this time I decided to see it through to the end and I don’t regret it. My team and I were able to establish good communication, define our concept, organize the workflow, come up with a name for the team, create a logo, and of course, start working. Initially, I planned to avoid the bureaucracy typical of studios, such as task trackers and task monitoring. But it turned out to be the only reasonable solution, as there were many objects, enough people, and it was impossible to keep track of everything in my head. I distributed tasks among my colleagues, breaking them down into several stages: modeling, mapping, and texturing. After each
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