First Foreigners in 20 YEARS! Darra Adam Khel GUN MARKET, PAKISTAN - DodoExplorers

Romanian backpackers go inside the Darra Adam Khel GUN MARKET of PAKISTAN. We were told by the locals we are the FIRST FOREIGNERS there in roughly 20 years! Foreign tourists are not allowed to visit this place, but somehow we’re here. There is no government partnership with what we are doing, so we did this completeley independently, together with our friends and a few locals: Mehran, you’re the man and your friends are amazing! This is the Gun Factory and Bazaar for the Tribal Areas of Pakistan. This tradition is passed down from generations. It takes a lot of creativity to make a perfect replica to a gun with very modest tools and by hand. This is our message, we love creativity and inventivity, and whenever that happens, we want to share it with you. Check our Social Media channels: @dodoexplorers...
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