How do Superconductors work at the Quantum level?

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video! Visit , or TEXT “ArvinAsh“ to 500-500 to start your FREE 30 day trial. Please Support this channel by downloading the free app at the link above. Maglev video on Lesics channel: 0:00 Onnes discovers “magic“ 2:51 Meissner effect 4:05 What causes resistance 6:09 BCS Theory 8:11 Cooper pairs 9:11 Bose-Einstein condensate 11:28 First room temp superconductor 11:53 Maglev trains 12:25 Audible special offer In 1908, Dutch physicist Heike Onnes figured out how to turn helium gas to liquified helium for the first time. He cooled Mercury and found that all its electrical resistance went away. Electricity in a superconducting wire will continue to flow virtually forever with no added energy. Superconductors also expel magnetic fields. So if you put a magnet over a superconductor, the magnet will levitate. How is this possible? Quantum m
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