Dance Potpourri: 7. Oriental & Flamenco Gypsy Festival 2011

7. Oriental Flamenco Gypsy Festival on tour in Switzerland 8.- 13th november 2011: Dance Potpourri with: Schachlo, Gloria Palos, Juan Mateo, Nicole McLaren, Lyuba Nyima. Musik: Esmeralda Talisman, Ida Kelarova Ensemble, Ssassa, Juan de Gloria. Live in Zürich, 11. november 2011 Kongresshaus, Production: Christian Fotsch, Infos and DVD: Camera: Hans Heinrich Schellenberg, Elisabeth Blättler, Mohamed Lamrani Sound: Philipp Schneeberger Light: Chrigel Ryeser Technics: Leusound Order the full video at $ 30 only now! christian@
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