LIMA PERU city tour part 2 ,LIMA PERU Stadtrundfahrt Teil 2,Экскурсия по городу ЛИМА ПЕРУ, часть 2.

HAPPY TO HAVE YOU ON MY CHANNEL. FREUDE DICH AUF MEINEM KANAL ZU HABEN. РАДА, ЧТО ВЫ НА МОЕМ КАНАЛЕ. FELIZ DE TENERTE EN MI CANAL EN/DE/RU/ES #lima #peru #city tour 1 EN With a population of 7,605,743, 8,472,935 in the greater metropolitan area, and with 3008.8 inhabitants per square kilometer (2007) Lima is the 27th most populous city in the world. The population consists of a complex mixture of racial and ethnic groups. The dominant ethnic group is the Mestizo, descendants of indigenous people and Europeans (mainly of Spanish and Italian descent) who intermingled. The next largest ethnic group are Peruvians of European descent (white Peruvians). Many of them are of Spanish, Italian or German origin, while others are of French, British or Croatian origin.[34][35] There are also other minorities, such as the Indians (mainly the Aymara and Quechua tribes) and the Afro-Peruvians, whose ancestors were brought by the colonialists to America as slaves. There are also many Jews of European
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