Living 88 Years in a Radioactive Zone

→ Join me for daily adventures on Instagram: ​ → Check out Mike’s channel: @Fearless & Far → Big thank you to SoloEast for bringing us to meet Baba Gania in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (, not sponsored, they do great work!) Chances are, you know what happened in the Soviet town of Prypyat in 1986, even if you’ve never heard the name before. When reactor number 4 exploded at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant, tonnes of nuclear waste and radioactive materials were spewed out into the surrounding areas, some reaching as far as Western Europe. The consequences continue up until today. On this trip to Chernobyl, I wanted to meet the people that still live here, despite the threat of contamination. This is how I came across Baba Gania.
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