Historia #1 - Los gatos azules - First Year Spanish

Last year, due to COVID I had to teach a 100% asynchronous Spanish 1 class. Although nothing replaces the face-to-face interaction, I was able to pull it off with these videos reading Sr. Wooly. This year, I have those students in a face-to-face Spanish 2 class, and they are doing very well. They did not come as advanced as I am used to, but they were able to build strong foundations and soon they started climbing up. Here is the first video of the first story from my first-year curriculum “Teaching Spanish with Comprehensible Input”. After watching the story and answering questions about it (to make them pause the video to answer questions and/or encourage them to re-watch it), they read the 1 extended reading version from the “Learning Spanish with Comprehensible Input” book (student’s book). This is the longest story as I had to establish meaning for so many words that I know are going to be repeated in all the following stories. I asked the students to watch it in chunks of 15 minutes. If you want your students to hear another Spanish speaker, you can play this video in class, students answer questions on the story and then they read the extended reading version (from the student’s book). I hope you find these videos useful –this is the first one of several I will be posting. Note: I sent the vocab on Quizlet so students could get familiar with it beforehand. I would not do this in a face-to-face class. Instead, I would introduce the words little by little during my PQ time.
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