De Bons en Pierre_Card Short of a Full Deck_ I Infringe the Copyright. Send message to: lorenzosimeoni64@ I will remove video. Thank you. aaanD Live long & Prosper. - Dark Entries’ resident scuzzmasters De-Bons-en-Pierre return with the Card Short of a Full Deck EP, featuring six tracks of their signature sludge. In 2016, Beau Wanzer and Maoupa Mazzochetti fused forces in order to infect the world with their mutant analog strain, a noxious hybrid of 80’s DIY cassette electronics and 90’s Birmingham techno. Card Short of a Full Deck follows 2017’s Crepes EP and 2019’s EP No. 1 and EP No. 2, all released via Dark Entries. Their latest salvo features six tracks composed for a live performance in 2019. While a damaged sense of whimsy has pervaded their previous work, Card Short sees the duo ramping up the absurdity to obscene levels. Skittering rhythms dance over ghoulish basslines and haunting, rave-evocative chords on