The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism

Head to to get 50% off your first order of hair loss treatment! Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video. Why has there never been a consistently functioning Russian democracy? No functioning system of public accountability? Why is Russia so incredibly corrupt? Why is it that Russia seems to have spent almost the entirety of its history as an authoritarian state? In this video, I will explain to you the political developments that over the course of centuries came to shape the authoritarian Russian state. Here is a link to my Odysee, many thanks to them for this opportunity: ►You can support my channel on Patreon here: ►You can also support me on PayPal here: ►You can support me on ko-fi here: ►You can follow my twitter here: ►You can also follow me on Instagram here: ►You can discuss this video on my subreddit:
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