Agency: Leo Burnett Chicago
Producer: Executive Producer: Tom Keramides, Producer: Bryan Litman
Creative Director: Phil Jungmann. Matt Miller
Creatives: Copywriter: Keenan Pridmore, Art Director: Jason McKean
Production Company: The Mill NY
Director: Yann Mabille
Executive Producer: Director of Content: Ian Bearce
Producer: Nic Barnes
Music Company: Big Foote
Editing Company: The Mill NY
Editor: Ryan McKenna
Post-Production / VFX Company: The Mill
Mill Office: New York
Executive Producer: Jo Arghiris
VFX Producer: Boo Wong (VFX), Dee Allen (Color)
Shoot Supervisor: Kevin Ives
Creative Director: Yann Mabille
2D Lead Artists: Corey Brown
3D Lead Artists: Kevin Ives, Vince Baertsoen
2D Artists: Robert Bruce, Iwan Zwarts, Randall Krueger
3D Artists: Joshua Merck, Andreas Graichen, Henning Koczy, Jeffrey Lee, Ross Scroble, Laurent Makowski, Yong Chan Kim, Dave Barosin, Sandor Toledo, Xuan Seifert, Dan Bollwerk, Paul Liaw, Jeff Dates, Tom Cushwa, Pete Devl