All 5 Getgood Drums Libraries

For modern, hard hitting and progressive music, its tough to beat Getgood Drums. Founded by Adam “Nolly“ Getgood along with former Periphery bandmates Misha Mansoor and Matt Halpern, they started humbly several years back by releasing the first library featured in the video and subsequently added the other 4 products in order. Each library has its own character, however all are very versatile. This represents all the kits currently available in 2020, with no doubt more products on the way. Which one is your favorite? More info: For those who don’t own any of these kits, “Turbo“ is built-in pr...ocessing (EQ, compression, etc) as Nolly would have for the drums to sound mix-ready. This is adjustable, so “Full Turbo“ means its 100% processed in the plugin, with the exception that I added parallel compression and also bus compression. One Kit Wonder is already mixed and ready to go, so all I had to do was drop a touch of bus compression. The first 2 kits - Halpern Signature a
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