Prosthodontics, Partially Edentulous Epidemiology, Physiology, Clasp-type removable partial denture

Prosthodontics, Partially Edentulous Epidemiology, Physiology, Clasp-type removable partial denture Removable partial dentures are a component of prosthodontics, which denotes the branch of dentistry pertaining to the restoration and maintenance of oral function, comfort, appearance, and health of the patient by the restoration of natural teeth and/or the replacementof missing teeth and craniofacial tissues with artificial substitutes. Fixed partial dentures that restore missing anterior and posterior teeth. Teeth bordering edentulous spaces are used as abutments. Clasp-type removable partial denture restoring missing posterior teeth. Teeth adjacent to edentulous spaces serve as abutments. Tooth-supported removable partial denture restoring missing anterior and posterior teeth. Teeth bounding edentulous spaces provide support, retention, and stability for restoration. Mandibular bilateral distal extension removable partial denture restoring missing premolars and molars. Support, retention, and stability are shared by abutment teeth and residual ridges. Tooth loss and age are linked, how will this affect current and future dental practice? 71.5% of 65- to 74-year-old individuals are partially edentulous (mean number of retained teeth = 18.9). partially edentulous conditions are more common in maxillary arch, missing teeth are first and second molars. Consequences of Tooth Loss. With the loss of teeth, residual ridge no longer benefits from functional stimulus it once experienced. Because of this, a loss of ridge volume—both height and width—can be expected. bone loss is greater in the mandible than in maxilla and more pronounced posteriorly than anteriorly, and it produces a broader mandibular arch while constricting the maxillary arch. attached gingiva of the alveolar bone replaced with less keratinized oral mucosa, traumatized. In summary, tooth replacement prostheses combination of several features of natural teeth: socially acceptable in appearance, comfortable and stable in function, and maintainable throughout serviceable lifetime at a reasonable cost. Maxillary and mandibular clasp-retained removable partial dentures. All clasps are extracoronal retainers (clasps) on abutments. Prostheses from shown intraorally in occlusion. Maxillary prosthesis using intracoronal retainers and full palatal coverage. male portions of attachments are shown at mesial position artificial teeth fit into intracoronal rests. 크라운 브리지 치아 Internal attachment prosthesis in patient’s mouth. Note precise fit of male and female portions of attachments Six Phases of Partial Denture Service. first phase patient education. second phase includes diagnosis, treatment planning, design of partial denture framework, treatment sequencing, execution of mouth preparations. third phase provision of adequate support for distal extension denture base. fourth phase is establishment and verification of harmonious occlusal relationships and tooth relationships with opposing and remaining natural teeth. fifth phase involves initial placement procedures, including adjustments to the contours and bearing surfaces of denture bases, adjustments to ensure occlusal harmony, and a review of instructions given patient optimally maintain oral structures provided restorations. sixth final phase of partial denture service follow-up services Education of Patient. informing a patient a health , patient cooperation, a high level patient compliance. dentist and patient share responsibility, Preservation oral structures Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Design, Treatment Sequencing,Mouth Preparation Treatment planning and design begin medical dental histories. complete oral examination must clinical radiographic interpretation of (1) caries, (2) condition of existing restorations, (3) periodontal conditions, (4) responses of teeth (especially abutment teeth) residual ridges previous stress,5) vitality teeth dental cast surveyor Dental cast surveyor facilitates design movable partial denture Occlusal view cast from a preliminary impression ridge form. Buccal view of functional or supportive ridge form Periodic Recall. Initial placement and adjustment of the prosthesis Height of floor mouth (tongue elevated) lingual gingival sulci measured periodontal probe. Impression with functional movement tongue to demonstrate maximum shortening floor mouth View of mandibular Class I design linguoplate. Linguoplate Apron of linguoplate (tissue side) linguoplate major connector Sagittal section through linguoplate demonstrating a basic half-pear–shaped inferior border with metallic apron framework crosses marginal gingiva. Lectures Dentist playlist: All Lectures Facebook: Instagram: Blogger: Twitter:
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