Ep. 17: Elly’s Orphaned Triplet Fawns-August 2018

For the new people here, Elly had been coming to see me for close to 4 years. I have been through 4 sets of fawns with her. Three weeks after having her second set of triplets, Ely passed away. The fawns have been surviving on their own. The neighbors and I have put our food and water for them to help them survive. With many trips down the road and back, I earned their trust to the point they started showing up in my yard for some apple pieces. Two weeks later, something spooked them, and they stopped showing up here. I take them some food when I see them out, and the tiny one has come back to visit me 3-4 times. I am trying to get all 3 fawns to make regular visits so they know they have a safe place to come and eat. I want to do this for the for my Elly girl. For those concerned with the “humanizing“ of these deer, I have been doing this for quite a while. What I have learned is that the deer see me as some kind of nice animal to them. They run if any person comes d
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