The Bank of Good Fortune - Minecraft Timelapse

With so many new citizens moving to the City of Xen, a grand bank and royal treasury were needed. This time-lapse build is part one of the bank construction. As deposits increase, four vaults will be excavated deep beneath the building to protect the immense wealth expected to be deposited within. Please like and subscribe if you would like to see a video for part two of the bank build. Some quick stats for this survival build: more than 29,000 quartz bricks; 22,800 stone blocks; 20,000 smooth quartz blocks; 2,100 glazed terracotta form the floor; 7,158 cut copper blocks comprise the roof, and 1,053 end rods light the build. Thank you to Vanilla Tweaks for their texture modifications (smooth, clear glass; clear water; connected texture changes). The cinematic at the end uses Patrix Resource Pack and BSL Shaders. A special thank you to TheBigBaron for sharing their Italian Church design which inspired the corner towers. This entire time lapse was recorded using the ReplayMod and the day/ni
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