USB Camera to ESP32-S2 (UVC Camera)

ESP32-S2 supports a native USB interface. It works as a USB Host and allows data communication by connecting USB peripherals. Unfortunately, the maximum speed of this USB is 12Mbps, so you can’t expect that fast. In this video, I will show you how to properly acquire an image by connecting a UVC camera and ESP32-S2. [ESP32-S2 | Native USB Serial Speed] [Auto Key Input USB Keyboard using ESP32-S2 (based on Keyset)] [Espressif IoT Solution Overview] [USB Camera Example] *Recommend purchasing ESP32-S3 instead of ESP32-S2* [ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8 Development Board] #UVC #USB #Camera #ESP32S2 #ThatProject
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