Ceasefire demonstration occurs outside White House

(15 Nov 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY:   ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington – 15 November 2023 1. Protestors hold a sign outside the White House that reads: Biden: Ceasefire Now 2. Exterior of White House with fake bodies in bags laid out on the sidewalk 3. Side angle of fake body bags on sidewalk 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Paul O’Brien, Amnesty International USA: “We organized this demonstration to bring attention to the loss of life that is happening today in Gaza. After the war crime that Hamas committed on October 7th we have seen more than 11,000 Gazans die. 5,000 children. This demonstration is to bring home to President Biden the fact that he’s not doing enough to stop the violence in Gaza.” 5. Mid of fake body bags 6. Counter protestors chanting outside the White House 7. A man holds a sign near the White House front lawn gate 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Paul O’Brien, Amnesty International USA: “We want the hostages released. We also want Palestinian administrative detainees released in Israeli jails. But more important than anything, if you really care about human rights in terms of the numbers of lives being lost, we need to stop the violence and the attacks on civilians. We need to stop sending arms into the region because the scale of destruction and loss of life is not helping anyone.” 9. Protestors holding signs 10. Two large protests banners outside the White House 11. Protestors holding a sign that reads: Let Gaza’s Kids Grow 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Hazami Barmada, Washington Resident: “We are on day 17 of out silent protest and demonstrations outside of the White House, State Department and Congress demanding to humanize the plight of the Palestinian people, demanding for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid and just in general to change the rhetoric and discourse of what’s happening to the Palestinians in Gaza and also in the West Bank.” 13. Man lays roses on fake body bags 14. Close of roses being laid 15. SOUNDBITE (English) Hazami Barmada, Washington Resident: “It’s really hard for me, to be very honest with you, as someone who grew up with this conflict, in the shadow’s of this conflict, my mother is a Palestinian refugee, watching this unfold over the decades it’s extremely hard to feel optimistic about either solution without first and fundamentally shifting the narrative. 16. Woman lays roses on fake body bags 17. Wide of roses being laid STORYLINE: Amnesty International hosted a demonstration outside the White House on Wednesday, protesting for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.   A mass of fake body bags meant to represent the dead, were laid out on the sidewalk outside of the White House North Lawn.   Roses were then laid on over the fake body bags while protestors held signs.   Paul O’Brien, the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, said Amnesty International organized the demonstration to bring attention to the loss of life that continues today in Gaza.   “After the war crime that Hamas committed on October 7th we have seen more than 11,000 Gazans die. 5000 children. This demonstration is to bring home to President Biden the fact that he’s not doing enough to stop the violence in Gaza,” O’Brien said.   Hazami Barmada, who is a Syrian-Palestinian American, said that she and others were on their 17th day of silent protests outside government buildings in Washington, D.C.   =========================================================== Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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