Reeses Super Bowl Commercial

Моя любимая реклама, полезная в языковом плане и смешная до слез 😂 Все определения я взяла из словаря The Free Dictionary by Farlex. • Where’ve you been? Under a rock? (to live) under a rock = to be oblivious to or ignorant of something that is very widely known, often related to pop culture • Were you born yesterday? born yesterday = extremely naive, gullible, or unintelligent, like a newborn baby (almost always used in the negative or as a rhetorical question) • Raised by wolves? raised by wolves = seeming particularly uncouth or socially inept • Are you clueless? clueless = oblivious and possibly naive • Head in the sand? (to bury/hide/put/stick) one’s head in the sand = to avoid, or try to avoid, a particular situation by pretending that it does not exist The phrase refers to the common but mistaken belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when frightened, so as to avoid being seen. • You’re from another planet? to be (live) on another planet = to be oblivious to one’s surroundings or act strangely Последнюю идиому она не произнесла, но все равно понятно, о чем идет речь (определение из Cambridge Dictionary): to have your head (stuck) up your (own) a** = to not pay attention to what is happening; to behave in a silly or stupid way (mainly US, offensive) В 2020 году эта реклама вошла в Super Bowl ads, список лучших американских рекламных роликов года. Интересно ваше мнение, поделитесь, пожалуйста, в комментариях. И еще вопрос, что вы думаете: Is she gaslighting or just teasing him❓😅
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