BAND-MAID / What Happened?! -US Tour-

The US Tour is now over so ... what happened ?! LOT happened during this month full of shows across the US. Some songs were played in front of an audience for the first time, many great moments during MCs and even songs, a lot of funny ones too and even some tears have been shed. Kasper will take you to a new journey over the US Tour to live again or discover some incredible moments you could have missed. Take a seat, relax and enjoy this video ! ※ Credits Voiceover by Kasper Michaels Script by Kasper Michaels & @Ohrenje Video production by @Ohrenje Breakin’ New Gate Production logo by santivill Thank you for all your fancams @tripclips2959 @timbrown1790 @gtralive1999 @staticsoundband @KeichiArena @alskiindy4725 @jabdr2612 @xakira87x77 @toohai2 @livefancams @chaosmaxtcg @iamcrazymike @wavepotterfilms @ronayala9456 @Jahoihoi @VladimirChupin @raddofzennla @Mikesjournal2007 @flamechaoticstudios5538 @Hrathen39 @RockPaperSicissors @kpreno @shamalamadingdong5718 @angelinaeonnifamilyvlogs @edhunt @SOUp711 Japanese subtitles by Miki ISHII & nair0n Russian subtitles by exDemonius German subtitles by frunk & Domretto Spanish subtitles by Carpe_Noctem Portuguese subtitles by nan ※ BAND-MAID Community Support me on Patreon : Join the BAND-MAID Community Discord : ※ BAND-MAID informations : Official Website : Official Facebook : Official Twitter : Official Instagram : #BANDMAID #BMUSTOUR
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