Pyongyang: People move into new houses in Hwasong area

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e People move into new houses in Hwasong area A happy event happened in the Hwasong area. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un took part in the inaugural ceremony of the first-stage project to build 10,000 flats in the Hwasong area, cut the tape of inauguration in person and wished the working people moving into new houses a happy, harmonious and proud life generation after generation. Removal vans have entered the socialist downtown since the 21st, which intensively shows the great love of the father. Officials of the Headquarters for the Construction of 50,000 Flats in Pyongyang City, commanding officers of the People’s Army units that took part in the project, officials of the Party and government organs in the capital city and army-civilian builders warmly congratulated the working people to live in new modern houses provided by the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state gratis. People danced merrily in all par
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