THIS Is WHY You Should Run NORMAL Dungeons vs Epic Dungeons/Trials! - SAVE Your Rerolls

Hey everyone, I’ve been saying it for a while now... you’re better off running normal dungeons instead of epics and trials. Out of all the normal dungeons I’ve ran, I’ve either got (x2) premium rewards, 1 premium reward, and on the rare occasion (which believe it or not, is very rare( do I ever get nothing from the chest. I highly, highly recommend, that you all dust off your alts, or even your main toons, hop into a few normal dungeons and see what luck brings you. The only downside to running normal dungeons is, you get no re-roll and there’s not much bonus RAD. But.. you can run a normal dungeon in 5 minutes or less, for the same premium loot you would get from doing Epics or Trials in 15 minutes. So hopefully some of you get out there and try it out for yourself. I’ve been running non-stop and honestly... normal dungeons over epic or trials. #Neverwinter #NovaForce #FrozenHeart ============== Connect with me! ============== Patreon: Twitch:
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