Pete The Cat and His Magic Sunglasses | Pete The Cat Read Aloud Stories | MyEzyPzy English Stories!!

Pete The Cat and His Magic Sunglasses | Pete The Cat Read Aloud Stories | MyEzyPzy English Stories!! Pete the Cat has woken up grumpy today! Nothing seems to be going his way. But maybe some groovy magic sunglasses can help... Pete the Cat has woken up feeling blue - and he just doesn’t know what to do! But when Pete is given some groovy, magic sunglasses, he finds out that maybe, just maybe, feeling blue isn’t something you have to do. Spread the good mood with Pete and his friends in the rockin’ adventure all about seeing the bright side of every day! #PeteTheCat #MyEzyPzy #PeteTheCatandHisMagicSunglasses #PeteTheCatrockinginmyschoolshoes #PeteTheCatThePetesGoMarching #ReadAloudStories #PetetheCatILoveMyWhiteShoes #PETETHECATandThePerfectPizzaParty #PetetheCatandhisfourgroovybuttons #PETETHECATandTheMissingCupcakes #PetetheCatILoveMyWhiteshoescollection #PeteTheCatSavesChristmas #singalongbook #childrensbook #childrensstorybook #readaloud Like, share & subscribe to our channel if you’re new, this will allow us to continue to develop content for you and our rapidly growing community: - Follow this link for all our social media content: - **************************************** ABOUT US **************************************** Hi there! New to My Ezy Pzy? If so, here’s what you need to know - My Ezy Pzy is passionate about the upbringing of our children and how they become their own characters, allowing our families to blossom. Our goal is to create a loyal community within My Ezy Pzy, to learn and grow from each other’s experience and wisdom. To join our rapidly growing community, learn more about our passions and contribute with your own ideas. Where else you can find us: ☆ WEBSITE: ☆ FACEBOOK: ☆ INSTAGRAM: ☆ TWITTER: ☆ PINTEREST: ☆ TIKTOK: Support our channel and join our growing community for new videos every week! ☆ YOUTUBE CHANNEL: For more info and suggestions please contact us at info@
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