JUDGE DREDD (1995) MOVIE REACTION!! Sylvester Stallone | First Time Watching & Re-Watching
I AM THE LAW! Judge Dredd Movie Reaction Full Length Watch Along:
Before the highly praised Dredd (2012) movie with Karl Urban, there was this one! Judge Dredd Reaction, Recap, Breakdown, & Review for the movie starring Sylvester Stallone (The Expendables 4), Rob Schneider, ABC Warrior Droid, & Max Von Sydow. In a dystopian future, Joseph Dredd, the most famous Judge (a police officer with instant field judiciary powers), is convicted for a crime he did not commit and must face his murderous counterpart. Here’s mine & Coy Jandrea reaction & commentary to the best scenes such as Judge Dredd speech, DUI Violation, Cannibals and Servants of the Law, Quotes, Dramayic Judge, Recycled Food Delivery, Dredd vs Rico, Air Bike chase, Poetic Justice, & MORE!
#JudgeDredd #Dredd #SylvesterStallone #RobSchneider #KarlUrban #TheExpendables #Marvel #MCU #DC #DCU #DCEU #comicbooks #comicbookmovies #MovieReaction #FirstTimeWatching #Commentary
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2 months ago 00:15:09 1
4 months ago 00:00:32 1
Неро против Судья Дредд. Оскарпул: Шоу
4 months ago 00:23:42 1
Judge Dredd UNRELEASED PROTO [ARCADE] Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME🔴