Yes, a world without cats is unimaginable, but this is really too much. Istanbul Cats.

When I was a kid, I couldn’t find cats around here, now I can’t find a place where there are no cats. For the first time in my life, the food I was going to distribute was not enough for the stray cats because many more cats were abandoned in this area overnight. And at that moment I prayed to God that someone would come and bring food to the cats. God answered my prayers and sent a kind-hearted woman to distribute food to the hungry cats. I am 40 years old and I spent my childhood on these seashores. 20 years ago there were no cats around here. We would compete with other children to pet the few cats we encountered. Because there would be no other cats around. Years have passed and there is no corner left without a stray cat. At this rate, the number of stray cats in Istanbul will soon exceed the number of people. You will encounter at least this many cats on any seashore in Istanbul. I will feed these cats today, just like every day for years. In today’s feeding, I plan to catch th
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