Game of Thrones - Piano medley (10 character themes)
00:00 House Stark theme (“Winterfell“,“The north remembers“)
00:34 House Greyjoy theme (“What is dead may never die“)
01:14 House Baratheon theme (“Ours is the fury“, “Throne is mine“)
02:31 House Baelish theme (“Chaos is a ladder“)
02:51 House Stannis Baratheon theme (“Warrior of light“)
03:44 Jon Snow / Ygritte theme (“You know nothing“, “The wall“)
04:25 House Lannister theme (“Rains of Castamere“)
05:25 Arya / Jaqen H’ghar theme (“Valar Morghulis“, “The children“)
06:10 House Targaryen theme (“Mhysa“, “Finale“)
07:34 GoT Main theme