Top 5 D Beat Bands - Sweden

Follow on Instagram: @DBEATDAD In this video I give you my opinion of my top 5 Swedish D-Beat bands. As always they may not be “categorized“ as “D-Beat“ but if D-Beat drums are in their style, then I do! Other might label them as Swedish Hardcore, Kangpunk, Discrust, ... Swedish D-Beat is by far my favorite of any part of the world. COMMENT ON WHO YOUR TOP 5 ARE! Bands & Songs (5) Anti Cimex - Warmachine (4) Martyrdod - Tyst Minut (3) Disfear - A Brutal Sight Of War (2) Skitsystem - Profithysteri (1) Wolfpack - Power & Greed Playing On: Roland TD17-KVX #Dbeat #Sweden #Punk
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