Decor on the mug / Polymer clay \ Mug with the inscription / DIY

Decor on the mugIn this video you will see how you can make a gift with your own hands from polymer clay This mug will be an individual gift for your family and friends. Required for work Polymer Clay Cernit Cup Instruments rolling pin Glass fimo gel Glue Poxipol Sandpaper Nail polish remover Dry pastel Napkins tassel Peony silicone mold Silicone mold letters If you want to purchase such a mold, follow this link Stationery knife Bake at the temperature indicated on the package of your polymer clay. Use an oven thermometer to accurately determine the oven temperature. The thicker the product, the higher the temperature. How to glue the decor to the mug, see this video Thank you for watching) Subscribe like this video and write comments))) #Polymerclay #Decoronthemug #DIY # Mugwiththeinscription
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