Walk Barefoot for 5 Mins a Day, See What Happens to You

Are you slouching over? Walking without your sneakers will help troubleshoot this problem, as well as soothe back and shoulder muscles. Suffer from insomnia? Going for a daily barefoot stroll will be enough to cope with sleep problems! And with better sleep, more energy comes, and you become more productive throughout the day. But there’s more to come! Other videos you might like: Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body Press Here for 60 Seconds and See What Happens to Your Body 8 SIGNS YOUR BODY IS CRYING FOR HELP TIMESTAMPS: You’ll have better balance 0:23 More muscle definition 0:51 You can lose some weight 1:18 You won’t get sick as often 1:34 Faster healing 2:03 You’ll have better posture 2:33 The perks of stress relief 3:04 No more sleep troubles 3:25 More energy 3:56 Mental clarity
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