Barefoot hiking| Walking with spirit

Take a walk with your inner radiance✨ The other day as I was about to take my walk into nature, I realized that I have been prioritizing this practice daily for the past few years. It has made its way to the top of my daily routine as an essential for my wellness , as I noticed how crucial it is for my level of focus & mental health. Whenever I am feeling overloaded, overwhelmed or heavy~ I know it is time to bring it all back to the earth. She has the capacity to take it all and recycle the energy. Creating more lightness within our own bodies. I often take my tea out into nature to add the element of soaking in nature even more so I become present to stillness and receive my environment around me, letting go of the mind chatter and receive the guidance that comes from my soul. Lately I have felt myself being drawn to the trees to listen and ground. I feel completely at peace and at home when I choose to be in the forest. The benefits are undeniable. What is your favorite nature spot to
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