Конь (Kon’, The Horse) – Русский хор Йельского университета (Yale Russian Chorus & Alumni)

Yale Russian Chorus: Kon’ (The Horse). This song was written in 1994 by the composer Igor Matvienko () and the poet-lyricist Alexander Shaganov () for the highly successful Russian folkrock band Lyube. Matvienko and Shaganov co-founded Lyube in the 1980s, with Matvienko as the band’s producer and main song writer. “The Horse,“ with its underlying love of country and theistic spirit, continues to enjoy enormous popularity in Russia. This recording is dedicated to everyone in Russia and the United States who has suffered and endured hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stepan Sergeivich Sve...shnikov, conductor; Stepan Sergeivich Sveshnikov, Lewis Johnson, and Emma Kazaryan, editors.
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