19. Python Best Practices for Code Quality (Reindert-Jan Ekker, 2019)

1. Course Overview: 00:00:00 __ 1. Course Overview 2. Following Python Style Guidelines - PEP8 and Pylint: 00:01:10 __ 1. Introduction - What Is a PEP 00:03:46 __ 2. Overview of PEP8 00:06:17 __ 3. Demo - Applying PEP8 Rules to Your Code 00:12:35 __ 4. Review - PEP8 00:14:33 __ 5. Demo - Commandline Tools - Pylint 00:20:14 __ 6. Demo - Commandline Tools - Pycodestyle and Black 00:21:41 __ 7. Module Summary 3. Documenting Your Project: 00:22:17 __ 1. Introduction - Docstrings and Sphinx 00:26:04 __ 2. Demo - Getting Started with Sphinx 00:30:30 __ 3. Demo - Introducing reStructuredText 00:33:07 __ 4. Review - Sphinx and reStructuredText 00:35:56 __ 5. Demo - A Python Project with Docstrings 00:39:43 __ 6. Demo - Using Apidoc to Generate Documentation from Python Code 00:45:39 __ 7. Review - Apidoc 4. Improve Your Code with Type Checking: 00:49:20 __ 1. Introduction - Static Typing and Type Hints 00:52:23 __ 2. Demo - Type Hints 00:55:52 __ 3. Review - Type Hints 01:01:00 __ 4. Demo - Adding Type Hints to Our Project 01:08:41 __ 5. Demo - mypy 01:10:19 __ 6. Summary
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