Global Capitalism: China vs. US - System Rising vs. Falling [September 2022]

China vs. US - System Rising vs. Falling [September 2022] In this lecture, Prof. Wolff will discuss the following: 1. Compare economic performances (GDP growth, inflation, real wages) 2. Ukraine War/Taiwan Provocations as both China-US conflicts 3. US edges closer to civil war and foreign wars at same time: implications *Global Capitalism is produced by @Democracy At Work and co-sponsored by Left Forum. We make it a point to provide the show free of ads. Please consider supporting @Democracy At Work Donate one time or become a monthly donor by visiting us at Your contributions help keep this content free and accessible to all. A special thank you to the following GC Super Fans whose generous support makes this lecture series possible: BRUCE HUI Cory Ed Cook Eliana McKee Harold James and Susan Anderson Anonymous John Jones Kimberly Hudnall Family Larry Jennings Mahmood Nooshi Mary Marx Mateen Matthew Kle
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