British Nationalists Topic of EU Parliament Video Report

This programme was produced under supervision of the European Parliament for Euronews, and subsequently released to broadcasters as part of the ’Eurinfo’ series. Interviewed: MEP Nick GRIFFIN (Non-attached, UK), in English MEP Chris DAVIES (ALDE, UK), in English Simon MARES, political journalist, ITV News, in English MEP Kristian VIGENIN (S&D, BG), in English MEP Philip CLAEYS (Non-attached, BE), in English MEP Nigel FARAGE (EFD, UK), in English MEP Nick GRIFFIN (Non-attached, UK), in English Derbyshire, England. An otherwise tranquil village becomes a battlefield involving 200 police officers preventing anti fascist protesters from entering a political rally. The BNP, which gained two MEP seats in the June European elections, holds its summer rally here each year for its members. 00:38 (Shot of MEP Nick GRIFFIN giving speech in tent to members) Its a rare chance for them to meet their leader - a man with links to far right
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