Agent Orange | The Chemical That Destroyed Generations

There comes a time in war where the victims doesn’t have combat boots, steel hats and sub-machine guns. But are normal everyday citizens. Most notable with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. But other times it’s by total accident, like the biological attack on the Vietnamese forests in the 1960’s and 70’s altering life’s of the innocent man, woman, child. Let find out how it all happened. On July 1954, it was decided by the world powers to divide the country of Vietnam in two, at the 17th parallel. Ngo Dinh Diem was to lead the south and Ho Chi Minh was to lead the north. It was agreed upon that there would be an election in both the north and south to decide who would rule the whole country. The election would be supervised by neutral countries. But sadly this election did not take place and the split had become permanent by 1956. The Vietnam war was tug of war against democracy and a communist Regime And With the U.S of course i
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