In part two of this 2012 award-winning series, FRONTLINE investigates the largest government bailout in U.S. history and a series of decisions that rewrote the rules of government and fueled a debate that would alter the country’s political landscape.
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In the second hour of Money, Power and Wall Street, FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk tells the story of how the country’s leaders—Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Gei
...thner—struggled to respond to a financial crisis that caught them by surprise.
FRONTLINE’s veteran financial and political producers Michael Kirk (The Choice 2020: Trump Vs. Biden, United States of Conspiracy), Martin Smith (The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, The Pension Gamble), Marcela Gaviria (A Subprime Education, Separated: Children at the Border) and Tom Jennings (Show more